How To Make CBD Oil At Home From Hemp?  

CBD oil contains pure hemp extracts mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil or flaxseed oil. It is a dietary supplement and can help manage certain ailments. We can’t blame you if you’re interested in making your own homemade hemp-based CBD oil. Continue reading to learn how to make your own CBD oil in your kitchen.           

The Tools You’ll Need  

Fortunately, you’ll find most of the tools you’ll need for this recipe right in your pantry. However, you can quickly stop at the supermarket to find your prep tools. The supplies you’ll need include:  

  • Raw Hemp plant  
  • Carrier oil – You can use oil, such as coconut or olive oil. However, if you intend to keep your CBD oil in liquid form, you can use olive oil or any type of liquid oil. 
  • Double broiler or crock pot; You can also use a make-shift double broiler using a stainless steel bowl placed on a saucepan with water.   
  • Cheesecloth  
  • Mesh strainer  
  • Storage jar  
  • Probe thermometer (optional)  

Choose High CBD Hemp Strains  

The main ingredient you need in this recipe is your raw cannabis plant. There are also authentic cannabis farmers who supply legal hemp strains. In addition, you have to ensure that you’re buying high-quality CBD hemp strains.  

It is important to choose a reliable vendor that sells pure hemp plants. You can also ask for lab analysis or other evidence to prove that it’s a pure hemp bud. Otherwise, you may risk getting marijuana buds or other poor-quality and harmful hemp strains. We recommend a careful selection process, and you shouldn’t be too quick to make a purchase.  

The Process of Decarboxylation  

Adding heat to raw cannabis plants is termed ‘Decarboxylation.’ It involves activating the CBDA & THCA compounds in the plant to extract CBD and THC. Decarboxylation releases the psychoactive effects of the bud, making it more potent for treating ailments.  

During the decarboxylation process, you must use low heat to allow the plant to cook evenly and avoid overheating. You can place your fresh hemp buds on a baking sheet in the oven at 250° F for 25 to 30 minutes. Regardless of your chosen method, you must watch out for that ‘sweet spot’ where the base compounds are converted into active CBD and THC.  

Use a Carrier Oil  

As the name implies, carrier oil helps to deliver the CBD compound to the blood vessels. Active CBD is a hydrophobic compound and doesn’t easily dissolve into water. However, carrier oils can dissolve the compound’s molecules to help your body absorb the CBD properties.  

Meanwhile, you can use any type of carrier oil you prefer or a combination of two oils. The common kinds include coconut oil, olive oil, and flaxseed oil. MCT oil is also widely used in many CBD oil recipes. However, most carrier oils are plant-based or nut-based, so you may need to watch out for potential allergens.  

Final Steps To Make Your Own CBD Oil  

Step one: Add water to the base of the double broiler and pour one cup of coconut oil on top of the pan. Place on low heat and wait until it melts.  

Step two: Pour your decarboxylated cannabis buds into the melted oil and stir evenly to prevent burning.  

Step two: For this step, you can use a probe thermometer to check the temperature and ensure that it falls below 200° F. The standard temperature for cannabis oil is typically between 130 to 150° F.  

Step three:  Strain the cannabis-oil mixture through a cheesecloth into a glass bowl.  

Step Four: After the oil cools down, you can transfer it into a jar and store it in a cool, dry location.    

Conclusion: Why You Can Make Your CBD Oil?  

The CBD industry is saturated with various low-quality CBD oils, and many unregulated vendors are in the market. But you can make your own CBD oil to ensure a highly concentrated and versatile product. Ultimately, your homemade CBD oil may also be cheaper than purchasing a small bottle from a local manufacturer.  



After suffering from anxiety for several years, I have found that the only thing that takes the edge off is CBD. I tried numerous CBD brands and all the cannabidiol-based products you can think of. Because of this, I want to use my expertise as a content writer to share what I have found to make your journey into a healthier life easier.

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